About these pages…

Herein lie thoughts and ideas from Bruce KAY.

I am a retired ol’ guy nearing 70, using this journal as a means to better mental health. What that means is writing about a journey I started this year to try to deal a little better with my struggles with anxiety and depression.

Tools of choice

My journey is twofold. I’m planning to go bikepacking in Australia’s wilderness areas when Covid-19 lock-down restrictions allow me to move around. By that, I mean packing a tent, sleeping gear, cooking equipment, clothes, tools, navigational aids, and water into bags strapped to my bike and taking off. There’s a lot of planning and preparation involved so that it will be safe. That’s what I’m up to right now.

The second part of the journey is a mind-journey. Using mindfulness, building hope, experiencing pleasure, struggling against physical adversity, overcoming obstacles, and trying to find the resilient better person that is somewhere inside of me.

This journal, these pages will be an evolving record of that two-fold journey.